they are in order of birth. You can see more pictures and details on my
403Z (ELDJÁ) is a leader ram twin with classic black with white leader
markings. He has perfect leader build and showing definite signs of leader
behavior. Born 4/13/12; Leader sire is Geri (AI); dam is BLW
267U (Katla).
404Z (KÓNG) is a black ram lamb with sturdy horns and
beautiful fleece! Twin to Hafrár (below). Born 4/14/12; sire is
Blettur (AI); dam is DL 655W (Torfa).
405Z (HAFRÁR) is a homozygous gray ram lamb, twin to Kong.
His fleece is a long and lustruous light oatmeal with gray thel, with a light
moorit face and legs. But is that just phaeomelanin? The jury is
still out whether he is moorit or black, and whether there is any spotting. In
any case, he is a real beauty! Born 4/14/12; sire is Blettur (AI);
dam is DL 655W (Torfa).
416Z (BAKKA) is a black-gray badger single ram. Great
light oatmeal fleece, really baby-soft, and good horns (sire is horned, dam is
polled). May carry moorit and spotting. A very sweet little boy who
has grown well on pasture! Born 4/23/12; sire is DL 890Y (Drangey, my
Grabotni son); dam is DL 704W (Fjalla).
419Z (MALMEY), a black-gray single horned ram. Gorgious
fleece! Born 5/25/12; sire is Bjalki (AI); dam is DL 370T (Grimsey).
420Z (SNÓTAR) is a white single ram.. Really striking little
boy with great horns and amazing long shiny fleece. Born 4/26/12; sire is
Ylur (AI); dam is DL 638U (Jökull).
429Z (KOTA), a spotted black twin ram lamb (brother of Kistu,
below). A few wisps of white, otherwise almost identical. Born
5/8/12; sire is Rektor (AI); dam is DL 653W (Thoris).
430Z (KISTU) is a black twin ram lamb, brother of Kota,
and almost identical. Must carry moorit and spotting. Born 5/8/12;
weight 7 lb 6 oz. AI sire is Rektor; dam is DL 653W (Thoris).
431Z) is
a sweet spotted black mouflon ewe twin, sister of Sulur (below). Long soft
fleece, and non-stop cute! Born 4/19/12; sire is Aladin (AI);
dam is BLW 941S (Krafla).
432Z (SÚLUR) is a black spotted mouflon ram lamb twin,
brother of Helga. A fine little
boy! Born 4/19/12; sire is Aladin
(AI); dam is BLW 941S (Krafla).
433Z (BLAULA) is a white polled twin ewe, sister of Silfur
(below). A beautiful fast-growing girl with a long silky
fleece. She is absolutely amazing! Born
5/26/12; sire is Vodvi (AI); dam is DL 370T (Grimsey).
434Z (SILFRA) is a stunning spotted gray polled ewe, sister of
Baula. A real cutie! Sturdy, but with a real feminine look to her,
and an amazing fleece. Born
5/26/12; sire is Vodvi (AI); dam is DL 370T (Grimsey).
435Z (GLYMUR) is a single white ram lamb. A really
chunky little guy – really study, with a tight curly fleece. Born 5/27/12; sire
is BEL 309Y (Mikla, my Keivkur son) and dam is DL 704W (Fjalla).
437Z (SKOGA) is a white horned ewe twin, sister of Detti
(below). A really sweet dainty girl with a brilliant white fleece. Born
6/14/12; sire is BEL 309Y (Mikla, my
Keivkur son); dam is INGL 025U (Ultra).
436Z (DETTI) is a black ram lamb twin, brother of Skoga
(above). Growing very nicely with a beautiful
fleece! Born 6/14/12; sire
is BEL 309Y (Mikla, my Keivkur son); dam is INGL 025U (Ultra).
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